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Property Distribution Helping FAMILIES ACROSS COLORADO For more than 30 Years

Denver Property Distribution Lawyer

Expert Guidance in Property Distribution for Colorado Residents

At The Harris Law Firm, our experienced family law team is deeply familiar with how property is evaluated, calculated, and distributed. We can represent you to ensure you receive what is fair.

We know that financial situations are often far more complicated than they appear, and our attorneys will work hard to make your voice heard in divorce proceedings, either in court or in negotiations.

Our Colorado property division attorneys are highly skilled in discovery and negotiation, meaning we can ensure that each asset that ought to be divided is counted.

For property distribution cases of all kinds, you can count on the insight of our team at The Harris Law Firm. 

Call The Harris Law Firm today at (303) 622-5502 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our property distribution attorney in Denver!

Common types of Assets Involved in Divorce

In a Colorado divorce, property division typically involves identifying and distributing various types of assets. Here are some common types of property involved in asset division:

  • Real Estate: This includes the family home, vacation properties, rental properties, and any land the couple owns.
  • Financial Assets: Financial assets may include bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement accounts (such as 401(k)s, IRAs), pensions, and annuities.
  • Personal Property: Personal property encompasses vehicles, furniture, electronics, jewelry, artwork, and other valuables.
  • Business Interests: If either spouse owns a business, its value and ownership stake may need to be evaluated and divided equitably. This can involve partnerships, sole proprietorships, or ownership interests in corporations.
  • Debts and Liabilities: Debts and liabilities incurred during the marriage, such as mortgages, credit card debts, student loans, and other obligations, are also subject to division.

How Is Property Divided in a Colorado Divorce?

Colorado family law courts abide by the principle of equitable distribution. This means that a judge will divide property according to what is “fair,” not necessarily what is equal. For example, a higher earner may claim more than half of the estate in a divorce according to his or her income.

Determining Marital vs. Separate Property

Before the assets can be divided, the court must determine what “marital” or “separated” property is. These labels refer to the spouses jointly owning property and what belongs solely to one couple. For example, an heirloom from a grandmother would be a small example of “separated” property.

Marital property, on the other hand, is defined as "any property which either spouse acquires during their marriage, except for property acquired by gift, inheritance, or property excluded by a prenuptial agreement." Contrary to popular belief, how the property is titled does not automatically designate it as separate.

Any property obtained during the marriage, even property with only one spouse’s name on the title, may still be deemed marital. Bank accounts, retirement accounts, pensions, club memberships, frequent flyer miles, stock options for past services, and any tangible property such as automobiles all fall under property obtained during the marriage that may only have one spouse’s name as the “owner.”

In addition, many less-obvious or intangible items could be deemed marital property under Colorado law. These might include business interests, professional practices, and personal injury settlements. Many of these assets are often overlooked, so you must work with a good divorce attorney and possibly a forensic accountant to make sure your rights are protected.

Dividing Your Property Outside of the Courtroom

Property distribution is complex, even in amicable divorces; however, it can be mitigated through cooperative negotiation. When spouses empower themselves to divide the property according to what they believe is fair to each other, they avoid the potentially unpredictable decision of the court. Though state laws have been designed to provide for spouses what is fair, no one knows your situation better than you and your spouse.

To keep legal costs in line, it is always advisable to keep the matter out of the courtroom and divide the property amicably. When spouses cannot agree, the court must decide on an equitable division.

Assigning Value to Marital Assets

It is important for couples to be fair when assigning value to marital property. Marital property also includes separate bank or brokerage accounts that spouses never mentioned to their partners. When these kinds of accounts are revealed after assets have been fully disclosed, the penalties for hiding assets can be substantial.

Working Together

Make a list of all significant marital debts and assets that are to be divided and assign a value to each item. For significant items, such as homes, businesses, antiques, or expensive vehicles, it is always best to have them appraised. Certain kinds of investments may also require outside assistance.

Begin by assigning the rightful owner to specific pieces of property, and then attempt to assign ownership to each item on the list. Start with the most valuable items and keep track of the total value assigned to each partner. Smaller items may be used to offset any imbalances.

Obtaining the Court’s Approval

When both spouses agree on the division of property, the court usually approves the agreement. The exception is if one of the parties has not been represented by an attorney and has agreed to an inequitable division. In cases such as these, the judge may make inquiries to ascertain that the division of assets is just and fair.

How the Court Divides Assets

Colorado law requires the court to consider various factors when dividing marital property, including:

  • Each spouse's contribution to the acquisition of marital property, including homemaking and childcare contributions.
  • The economic circumstances of each spouse at the time of the divorce, including their earning capacity, financial needs, and any separate property they may have.
  • The value of each spouse's separate property.
  • The duration of the marriage.
  • Any agreements between the spouses regarding property division.
  • Any relevant factors that the court deems necessary or appropriate to consider.

Based on these factors, the court will determine how to divide marital property as it deems fair and equitable. If the court determines that such a division is appropriate based on the circumstances of the case, it may involve an unequal division of assets. In addition to dividing assets, the court will allocate marital debts between the spouses.

Once the court has determined how to divide marital property and debts, it will issue a final divorce decree outlining the terms of the property division. This decree is legally binding and establishes each spouse's rights and obligations regarding property and debts post-divorce.

Contact Our Denver Property Distribution Attorney Today  

Divorce proceedings can become highly contentious, especially when high-value assets are involved. To protect your fair share of marital assets, we encourage you to contact The Harris Law Firm as soon as possible. Our property distribution lawyers are known across Colorado for their skill in litigation and mediation for all varieties of divorce cases.

Contact The Harris Law Firm today to schedule a meeting with our property distribution lawyer in Denver!

The Harris Law Firm Difference


Since 1993, our commitment has been to provide the best possible client outcomes through compassionate and effective representation. If you are facing a divorce or related family law matter, estate planning or tax issue, please contact our helpful, compassionate, and understanding attorneys to request a legal evaluation or you can submit your information to ask a legal question. We look forward to helping you!

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    I AM THRILLED and relieved and so ready to move forward. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work on behalf of my sweet daughter. God bless you!!
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    Sangeetha, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you did to help me get this settlement. Thank you for trying to keep the hours down on this case. You are truly more than an attorney. In this case somewhat of a super hero. Thanks again.
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    I am grateful that you represented me because you are smart, talented, generous and kind, and I want to thank you for being you!
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